One language and uniform words - dangerous dogmatism
Parashat Hashavua – Parahat Noach 5784
Rabbi Eliezer Shenvald
Since the events of Simchat Torah 5784, many questions have arisen. Most of them should be postponed until after the war. However, some of them should be dealt with now, because they may affect the lessons learnt, the decisions taken and the conduct of the coming days. Several security personnel admitted that the 'conception collapsed'; the idea that Gaza can be normalized and dealt with using the logic of "carrots" and "sticks". However, there is a fallacy in this conclusion. It is not the 'conception' that collapsed, but the 'dogma' collapsed! It should not take us by surprise.
A dogma (in Greek Δόγμα = opinion) is any belief held unquestioningly and with undefended certainty. It may be in the form of an official system of principles or doctrines of a religion, as well as the positions of a philosopher or of a philosophical school. Most of the time, its strength lies in society's acceptance by the hegemony, as an indisputable truth, and anyone who expresses a different position is silenced.
If we look in depth, we will see how a dogma was formulated in relation to Hamas, as well as a campaign to silence the voices that challenged it. (Of course, in other fields like political, academic, environmental etc. also).
When opinions and perceptions are governed, open discourse and opposing ideas are prevented, and pointing out at the "dogma's" absurdities to the point of being disconnected from reality, it will most likely lead to mistakes and the adoption of ridiculous worldviews that could be tragic. Or to concepts that will collapse in real time. Reality is complex, to diagnose it accurately, on all sides, from different directions, you need freedom of opinion and thought. A plurality of opinions, breaks and balances, and above all, it leads to perceptions and conclusions much closer to the truth of reality.
The beginning of Sefer Bereshit mentions mankind's failures and the world's foundation events. The first man - Adam, the flood, the generation of the Dispersion, the Patriarchs, Sodom and more. Each one of them left their mark and shaped the development of our world. Adam Harishon's sin - man's dealing and relationship with his Creator, the flood - morality as the foundation of society, and the generation of the Dispersion - in the development of the concepts that lead the world, and the influence of social dynamics on the formation of these concepts. How?
About the generation of the Dispersion's sin, it is said:
וַיְהִ֥י כׇל־הָאָ֖רֶץ שָׂפָ֣ה אֶחָ֑ת וּדְבָרִ֖ים אֲחָדִֽים׃
"Everyone on earth had the same language and the same words". (Bereshit 11:1)
The commentators dealt with the question of what is the difference between 'language' and 'words'? What was their sin?
Why was there a need for divine intervention? And why did G-d specifically determine that the consequence would be mixing up their speech and scatter them around?
"ענין דור הפלגה נבוכו בו המפרשים חדשים גם ישנים לדעת מה פשעם ומה חטאתם שבעבורו נתחייבו לעונש ההוא מבלבול הלשונות ופזור הארצות ואיך היה מתיחס אותו העונש לאותו המרי. וכבר באו על זה המדרשים אבל בלתי מתיישבים על פשוטו של מקרא" (אברבנאל שם).
"Regarding the 'generation of the Dispersion', the commentators, both new and old, were perplexed to know what the crime and sin were, for which they were punished with the confusion of the languages and the scattering over the lands, and how the punishment was related. And the Midrashim came along, but they don't fit the real sense of the text". (Abarbanel ibid.)
The Radak interprets that "the same language" is the speech that creates the discourse and agreements between the people, "words" is the unity of opinion of the members of the flood generation, which was coercively dictated by the people without consulting their sages: 'same words', unanimity…
The dogma of the flood generation, the 'one and uniform opinion', they asked for one language and the gathering of all humanity in one place, so that they could govern society with a unified opinion. However, this idea was disconnected from reality, humanity is not able to gather in one place:
"ולא היתה דעת כל חכמי הדור ההוא שהאל ברא הארץ אלא לישבה כלה או רובה, וידעו גם כן כי ברבות בני אדם לא יכילם מקום אחד כבקעת בבל או גדולה ממנה, אם כן ההסכמה ההיא היתה בטלה בעיני חכמי הדור ההוא, אלא שעל כרחם נטו אחר הרוב שלא היו חכמים, לבנות העיר והמגדל. ולפי שהיו כולם מדברים שפה אחת היו יותר קרובים להיות בהסכמה אחת
"…At any rate, Noach and family were convinced that G-d had created the universe for no other purpose than to settle all or most of it. They knew also that even the new plan to settle all of mankind in one single irrigated valley would not be a solution for the long term. Although they knew all this, they decided to go along with the majority opinion at that time and to preserve the positive values of unity and a common language among all men". (Radak Ibid)
The sages understood that this was an absurd and dangerous 'dogma'. However, the hegemony was in the hands of the crowd, and there were those who made sure to silence them and suppress free thought. This is a principle in human society therefore G-d was 'required' to 'intervene' and confuse their common language and 'dictate' the dispersion of humanity and the dispersion of opinions as a fundamental element in the developing world.
Human society may pay a very high price for uniformity of thoughts and dogmatism. Sometimes the silencing is done while disparaging and insulting those who hold this opinion, as 'fools' and ignorant. And sometimes violent repression is also used against them to silence them.
The lessons of the 'dogma collapse' should be learned now, when seeking to correct and respond to the problematic situation that has arisen. An open and respectful discussion must be allowed around it. Free of trending political agendas. This is the guarantee that real conclusions will be reached.