Inspiring young people to excellence as soldiers and commanders in the IDF.
The Meir Harel Hesder Yeshiva high school project strengthens student awareness on the importance of meaningful military service, including the aspiration to share the responsibility as IDF commanders. Over the last year alone, our team of counselors met with over 350 high-school juniors and seniors from all over Israel in one-on-one and group sessions.
The program includes:
*Group and class activities.
*Individual meetings with every student.
*Ongoing contact throughout the academic year.
*Seminars and preparatory activities in the Yeshiva.
*Meetings with graduates of the program and IDF officers.
*After High-school, many program participants have continued on to enlist in the IDF through our Yeshiva’s unique Hesder program.
Of these students, almost half are currently serving as officers and commanders of various ranks.