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On Monday, our Yeshiva students - Modi'in Hesder Yeshiva -

completed the military part of the combat paramedic’s course.

This is the last stage of the paramedic training course for Yeshiva students.

Our students will start their military service as combat paramedics

in the Paratroopers Brigade, Golani Brigade, Kfir Brigade and the Desert Reconnaissance Battalion

currently fighting in Gaza, on the Lebanese border and in Judea and Samaria.

The Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Eliezer Shenvald

joined them and participated with them in the closing ceremony.

He praised them for their achievements as Bnei Torah and as paramedics

on their way to serve in the IDF as combat paramedics and save the lives of combatants in battle.

The Yeshiva wishes them success

and prays that Hashem shall guard their going and their coming,⁠ from now and forevermore.

ה' יִשְׁמׇר צֵאתם וּבוֹאם מֵעַתָּה וְעַד עוֹלָם

In the left picture are the graduating students with the Rosh Yeshiva

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