Every additional Bar Mitzvah event at the Modiin Hesder Yeshiva from the 'Shahak Le’Bnei Mitzvah' program is an exciting event ....
And when in the program, we get to celebrate with the same family, the Bar Mitzvah of their second son, it is even more exciting ....
During the period of the Corona's restrictions, the reading the Torah in the Yeshiva’s open yard, evokes special excitement.
Open air and a happy atmosphere .....
This past Monday we merited to celebrate such a Bar Mitzvah.
Everything went smoothly until suddenly during the Amida prayer in the Beit Midrash,
without any early sign, the Bar Mitzvah boy’s oldest brother (who also participated in the program a few years ago),
fell and lost consciousness.
Within a second, he was surrounded by three agile and skilled paramedics from the Yeshiva's Combat Paramedics Unit,
was treated and connected to different devices from the Paramedics' Equipment Bag.
After a short time the youngster regained full consciousness
and after the Paramedics confirmed that everything was fine and there was no need to evacuate him,
the prayer resumed and the reading of the Torah took place as usual, almost…
But without a doubt, it became even more exciting.
There is no question that this is a unique situation that characterizes the special Beit Midrash of the Modi'in Hesder Yeshiva,
which will be fifteen years old this week.
In a strange and unexpected way we received an illustration of this
the same week we are finishing the school year.
There are no 'coincidences' in the world ...