International relations between Israel and the nations
Friendship or shared interests and often hostility
The Parasha in our everyday life – Parashat Toldot 5783
Rabbi Eliezer Shenvald - Head of the Hesder Yeshiva 'Meir Harel' Modiin
The country's captains last week spoke out unitedly and rightly against the possibility that the FBI - will investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. This is because "it is unthinkable that they will investigate IDF soldiers and their commanders." The statement was emphatic: "From our point of view, there is a professional and thorough IDF investigation that reflects the whole truth, and there is no need for another investigation." this is an initiative that undermines the credibility of the IDF." The same is true of the decision by the UN, to go to the International Court of Justice - against Israel for war crimes because the US did not prevent it.
On the other hand, it has been published, although not officially confirmed, that the U.S. is trying to influence the identity of the ministers of defense and internal security. A senior security official even threatened, "The Americans give us $3.8 billion every year, if we do not listen to them, there will be consequences," because "the Americans have red lines and are not willing to cooperate with anyone."
It is not clear if these statements come from American sources or if they are voiced by interested parties to influence decision-making on ministerial appointments. The chairman of the Republican Party in Israel stated in an interview this week that he was not aware of any pressure and that the United States should not interfere in the election results and internal appointment considerations of the sovereign state of Israel. He also legitimately added that the special strategic relationship that exists between the United States and Israel is based on common interests and reciprocity. Not only does Israel receive from the United States, he said, but the United States also derives great benefits from cooperation with Israel.
Although the strategic alliance with the United States is important to Israel, it is important to remember the fundamentals of Israel's national security doctrine, which was formulated by Ben Gurion at the country's founding: "Israel will make every effort to strengthen its ability to defend itself. It cannot and will not rely on others to fight its wars, etc.
This principled determination, accepted at the founding of the state, stems from, among other things, the lessons of the Holocaust and an understanding of the unique situation of the State of Israel, whose geographic location has never allowed it to rely on solutions that depend on the decision-making processes of foreigners because there is no time for that. In addition, there is Israel's consistent message to the world in general and the United States in particular: Unlike the European nations, we will not ask foreign (American) soldiers on our own initiative to risk their lives in defense of Israel. The combination of history, value, and professional necessity has laid the foundation for the concept of security with iron rivets: Israel is built to defend itself" (Concept of National Security of the State of Israel - Major General (Ret.) Yaakov Amidror - former head of the National Security Council)
In accordance with this principle, Israel must conduct its policy independently. It must examine the full range of considerations and not just the position of the U.S., with which relations have experienced ups and downs over the years, as well as disagreements and conflicts on fundamental issues. Most recently on the Iranian nuclear issue and on the failure to prevent anti-Israel actions at the UN. And even more so when it comes to the pressure and interests of the UN and countries hostile to us.
The relationship between Ya'acov and Eisav in the Parasha fluctuates between friendship, common interests, and enmity. The sages saw in it a model for future relations between Israel and the Western countries
נכתבה הפרשה הזאת וכו'. ויש בה עוד רמז לדורות כי כל אשר אירע לאבינו עם עשו אחיו יארע לנו תמיד עם בני עשו וכו'...
"This Parasha was written... and in it, there is another allusion to the generations, that what happened to our father with his brother Eisav will always happen to us with his sons, etc." (Ramban Bereshit 32:4) (And between Yitzchak and Ishmael - as a model for relations with the peoples of the Islamic lands).
The sale of the 'primogeniture' at the beginning of the Parasha represents a partnership of interests. The tired and hungry Eisav is interested in the lentils and despises the primogeniture. Ya'acov is willing to give up the stew in favor of the 'primogeniture'. (Bereshit 25:30-34). However, after Eisav understands, he regrets the sale of the birthright and views the sale as an act of deception (Kli Yakar Bereshit 27:36). After Ya'acov receives the blessing, Eisav becomes hostile toward him and even wants to kill him (Bereshit 27:41). Ya'acov is forced to flee from him. The climax of the hostility is expressed in the encounter in Parashat Vayishlach, when Ya'acov is on his way back. Eisav arrives, ready for a confrontation, and Ya'acov in his wisdom manages to appease him and awaken the feelings of brotherhood. Eisav implores him to live side by side, as strategic allies
וְנֵלֵ֑כָה וְאֵלְכָ֖ה לְנֶגְדֶּֽךָ׃
"Let us begin our journey and I will move at your pace." - we will share the movement and existence, each saying to his companion, "Take courage!" (Alshich Bereshit 33:12). But Ya'acov was not interested and wanted to be independent:
...אֲדֹנִ֤י יֹדֵ֙עַ֙ כִּֽי־הַיְלָדִ֣ים רַכִּ֔ים ...
... "My Lord knows that the children are frail ... It is a bearing yoke that brings two nations together and holds them together" (ibid. 13). Each nation will behave independently according to its needs and considerations.