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Parashat Hashavua - Parashat Pinchas 5784

Parashat Hashavua - Parashat Pinchas 5784

‍בס"ד | Click here to view it online 

Meir Harel Yeshiva Modiin

Awarding of decorations and civil citations - Parsha and its realization – Parashat Pinchas 5784 - Rabbi Eliezer Haim Shenvald

Awarding of decorations and civil citations

Parsha and its realization – Parashat Pinchas - and the 'Iron Swords' war 5784

Rabbi Eliezer Haim Shenvald

Dedicated to the IDF soldiers' success, to safeguard them lest any harm come to them, to the healing of all the wounded and the return of the abducted.

On the morning of Shabbat Simchat Torah, thousands of the Nukhba Force (1), Hamas terrorists and residents of Gaza, broke into the State of Israel. Their goal was to harm the...

Siyum of the treatise Baba Metzia at the Community Beit Midrash on Monday


Next Monday evening,

in the Community Beit Midrash at the Yeshiva,

we will celebrate the Siyum of the treatise Baba Metzia,

which was studied in the Beit Midrash for several years every Monday evening.

The Yeshiva students will participate in the Siyum

together with Rabbi Yedidia Kahana, who teaches the weekly class,

and with the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Shenvald.

We invite the general public to join the opening of the new Masechet.

Masechet Tamid siyum during the 17th of Tammuz


It has already become a tradition.

A group finishing Masechet Tamid

during the 17th of Tammuz fast.

(When the daily sacrificial offerings -Korban Tamid- in the Holy Temple were discontinued).

The study took place after MIncha, during the afternoon break.

And they finish the tractate together with all the Yeshiva bochurim

at the breaking the fast meal.

We hope the communal fasts will be transformed “into holidays and days of celebration.”


Students enlisting to be military paramedics


This week we said goodbye to the students

who are enlisting to be military paramedics.

The Ramim and the Rosh Yeshiva

said farewell words of blessing and encouragement to the students,

and gave the students a gift, for safekeeping.

