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5784 Parashat Hashavua - Parashat Bea'alotcha

5784 Parashat Hashavua - Parashat Bea'alotcha

‍בס"ד | Click here to view it online 

Meir Harel Yeshiva Modiin

Complete defeat, victory, and the blowing of the trumpets - Parshah and its realization - Parshat Bea’alotcha 5784 - Rabbi Eliezer Haim Shenvald

Complete defeat, victory, and the blowing of the trumpets

Parshah and its realization - Parshat Bea’alotcha - and the war of the 'Iron Swords' 5784

Rabbi Eliezer Haim Shenvald

In loving memory of and לע''נ Channah L. Wortzman – חנה לאה בת משה וורצמן ז'ל  - whose yahrtzeit is observed on 17 Sivan.

And with prayers for the success of the IDF soldiers so that no harm befalls them, for the healing of all the wounded,...

Shiur Gimel students came back from the army


Besha'a Tova, a group of Yeshiva students from Shiur Gimel

serving for a long time in the Golani Brigade,

came back to the Yeshiva to study for a few months.

We hope that the security situation will allow them

to stay a significant time to study and strengthen in Torah learning.

Visit to the Armored Corps' training base in Shizaphon


The Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Shenvald

(colonel in the Armored Corps)

visited this week the Armored Corps' training base in Shizaphon, near Eilat.

During the visit, the Rabbi gave a pep talk to about 300 soldiers.

Rabbi Shenvald told them about his participation with the Hesder Yeshiva soldiers

in the 1982 Lebanon War (that broke out this week 42 years ago),

and about the Yeshiva students' special contribution

to the war's success.

Practical Safrut writing course at the Yeshiva 


This week we started a course in practical Safrut writing 

at the Yeshiva, under the guidance of Rabbi Tzvi Mauner

and in cooperation with the OU.

The course will last 18 weeks. 

