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Parashat Hashavua - Parashat Kedoshim 5784

Parashat Hashavua - Parashat Kedoshim 5784

‍בס"ד | Click here to view it online 

Meir Harel Yeshiva Modiin

Sanctifying and thanksgiving days with a hint of joy - Parshah and its realization - Parshat Kedoshim - Memorial Day and Independence Day 5784

Sanctifying and thanksgiving days with a hint of joy

Parshah and its realization - Parshat Kedoshim - Memorial Day and Independence Day - and the War of the 'Iron Swords' 5784

Rabbi Eliezer Haim Shenvald

Dedicated to the IDF soldiers' success, to safeguard them lest any harm come to them, to the healing of all the wounded and the return of the abducted.

Memorial Day and the 76th Independence Day for the State of Israel is upon us. We are preparing for them. Independence Day is...

Rabbi Shenvald, gave a shiur in memory of the soldier Natan Cohen, HYD who fell during Operation Protective Edge,


The Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Shenvald,

gave a shiur in memory of the soldier Natan Cohen, HYD

who fell during Operation Protective Edge,

and his father, the late David Shimon Cohen,

who died during the war.

The shiur on heroism, providence, victory and resurrection,

before Memorial Day for the fallen soldiers and Independence Day,

was held at the Heichal Nahum Synagogue in Modi'in,

where Natan grew up and his father the late David Shimon

was part of the establishment committee.

Family members and community members participated.

Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5784


Rosh Chodesh Iyar at the Yeshiva

In accordance with Yeshiva tradition,

the students prepare a special and elaborate Rosh Chodesh morning meal - a festive mitzvah meal.

In addition to delicious and unique food that the students prepare.

There are usually also tractate endings and Divrei Torah from the students.

During the morning there is a special study program based on the issues of the month.

Today, the Yeshiva learned about the meaning of the month of Iyar

according to Maran Rabbi Kook Ztzl,

and about the heroic events of this month throughout the ages.

Summer Zman 5784


On Wednesday we started summer Zman.

Unfortunately still marked by war.

The great majority of Yeshiva students are recruited.

Some of them are fighting during these hours in Rafah.

The Zman opened with a shiur by the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Shenvald.

The Rosh Yeshiva talked about the special meaning of the month of Iyar -

the second month which is the month of heroism.

Many heroic events of all kinds occurred throughout history during this month.

In addition we have the challenge of diligent study in the Beit Midrash.

We are public messengers who study Torah not only for us but also for the entire city

and all the inhabitants of the country,

and above all for the success of the IDF soldiers and the security forces.

Each of us in turn also participates in the actual war of heroism.



