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Parashat Hashavua - Parashat Kedoshim 5784

Parashat Hashavua - Parashat Kedoshim 5784

‍בס"ד | Click here to view it online 

Meir Harel Yeshiva Modiin

Political negotiations with satanic enemies - Parashat Hashavua - Shabbat Parashat Bo 5785 - Rabbi Eliezer Haim Shenvald

Political negotiations with satanic enemies

Parashat Hashavua – Shabbat Parashat Bo 5785

Rabbi Eliezer Haim Shenvald

In prayer for the success of IDF soldiers and for their protection so that no harm may befall them, for the healing of all the wounded and the return of the kidnapped.

The State of Israel is a progressive and successful state in many areas. During its years of existence, it has won great victories in its wars, but it has failed time and time again in the political...

Shabbat Parashat Beshalach - Shabbat Shira - welcoming High School Seniors


Yeshiva 'Meir Harel' Modi'in

Invites HIgh School Seniors to join us

Shabbat Parashat Beshalach - Shabbat Shira 10 Shevat (08/02)

On the topic: The song of victory and leadership

Get to know the path of the Yeshiva, its Rabbis and students

Participate in Yeshiva classes, in the Oneg Shabbat, and in conversation

For details and registration: Yishai - 0504244077

Our address: 53 Emek Beit Shean St. Modi'in

To arrive: Register at Yeshiva Meir Harel Modi'in

Festive Rosh Chodesh events 


As every month, we held a festive Rosh Chodesh. 

A Rosh Chodesh prayer with musical Hallel

led by the wonderful Yeshiva band.

A delicious Rosh Chodesh meal,

and a special 'current affairs' talk -

On 'growth after a terrorist attack' -

the personal and empowering story of Shlomo Perl,

a paramedic in the MDA, a Lt. Col. (res.) in the Medical Corps,

and Chaim Perl's father, a Yeshiva student.

Officers' course graduation ceremony


On Tuesday we participated in the officers' course graduation ceremony.

Roy, a Yeshiva's student, finished at the top of the officer's course,

The Rosh Yeshiva and the students

came to honor him and his family.

After the ceremony, the Rosh Yeshiva gave a lesson to the cadets

about war and leadership in an era of great change.

