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Parashat Hashavua - Parashat Tetzave 5784

Parashat Hashavua - Parashat Tetzave 5784

‍בס"ד | Click here to view it online 

Meir Harel Yeshiva Modiin

Eternal truth versus short-term hollow campaign Parsha and its implementation - Parshat Tetzave - and the war of the 'Iron Swords' 5784 - Rabbi Eliezer Haim Shenvald

Eternal truth versus short-term hollow campaign

Parsha and its implementation - Parshat Tetzave - and the war of the 'Iron Swords' 5784

Rabbi Eliezer Haim Shenvald

Dedicated to the memory of my dear Mother Nechama Bat Rav Meir Halevi Z'L on her seventh Yahrzeit this week.

In a democratic society, the public arena is the place where public debate takes place. Public issues at hand are discussed. This is the place where opinions are expressed, and debates take place between...

"Shabbat "Al Hanisim


Shabbat "for the miracles, for the mighty deeds, for the wonders..."

at the Meir Harel Hesder Yeshiva- Modi'in 

On Shabbat Parshath Ki Tisah March 2nd (22 Adar I) 

To mark the return of all Yeshiva Rabbis from the war

We will enjoy a special Oneg Shabbat with

Adv. Moti Kind - (res fighter)

who is part of the Yeshiva community:

"On the heroic miracles, for the mighty deeds, for the wonders...

and battles in Gaza"

Open to High School seniors

for details and registration Yishai - 0504244077

Thanksgiving and appreciation Day at the Yeshiva


On Wednesday Feb 21st, (12 Adar I)

We held a day of thanksgiving and appreciation day at the Yeshiva

After Morning Seder we had a gathering

and in the panel were the Yeshiva Rabbis who participated in the war.

In the center, Rabbi Amikam Frid,

a Yeshiva Rabbi who serves in a classified unit,

told the story of his fighting

from the beginning on the morning of Simchat Torah

to his release a few days ago.

We ended the day with a thanksgiving meal everyone together.

The weekly Siyum


The weekly Siyum

This week we had a Siyum with Eitan (Shiur Alef)

and Akiva (Shiur Bet)

They made a siyum to the Masechet Tamid.

"...And just as Hashem helped them to complete this tractate,
so too may He help them to start other tractates and books,
and to complete them,
to learn and to teach,
to observe and to enact
and to fulfill all the words of the teaching of our Torah with love".


